
Bayleading, subsidiary company under EBON Holdings Group Co., Ltd., is a supply chain integrated service shared platform of the grand healthcare industry. It focuses on investment, development, and operations of industrial parks, and provide resident customers with personalized and omnibearing solutions and value-added services.

Circulating Values of Industrial Parks

Economic Benefit

Industrial parks focus on the commerce circulation segment of the supply chain, and application of new technologies such as logistics network, big data, block chain, and artificial intelligence will assist in procurement and trade settlement, bringing tax contributions to the area where the project belongs.

Accumulative Effect

Industrial parks will introduce enterprises in the pharmaceuticals, medical devices, healthcare products, cosmetics, and green food circulating fields. This will provide a vast number of job opportunities, and will be organic supplement to and improvement of the urban functions.

City-Industry Integration

At present, the circulation industry is in an extensive primary stage of development, and the industry needs integration and optimization to achieve supplementary to urban functions, achieve upgrade of the modern service industry and optimization of the industrial structure of the local area.

Product Services

Solution Customization

Customization of operations site / Enterprise stationing support Industry policy support Logistics operation support Channel distribution support

Platform Empowerment

Supply chain consultation / Supply chain operations / Technologies and equipment / Supply chain finance / Investment and financing services
